Production plants

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The three Chiesi Farmaceutici production plants are:

  • The Pharmaceutical Workshops of Parma, Italy.
  • The Blois-La Chaussée Saint Victor workshops, France.
  • The Santana de Parnaíba plant, Brazil.



An initiative based on the use of management tools and systems inspired by the principles of Lean Manufacturing and aimed at increasing the efficiency and flexibility of the production lines was launched in 2008 in the Parma plants.

The system applied made it possible to achieve quantitative objectives, but also to increase the participation of operators in the improvement process, with consequent further benefits in terms of professional growth, motivation and climate. Based on the positive results obtained, the project has developed over the years through a more extensive application of the systems already tested and the gradual introduction of other improvement tools.

Lean Manufacturing initiatives are not only part of a project that aims to achieve production efficiency, but are the expression of our company's continuous striving for excellence.