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Ethics and Transparency

Ensuring the highest ethical standards is a daily priority for Chiesi in every aspect of its business. This means conducting business in accordance with the principles of legality, fairness, integrity, responsibility and transparency.

To this end, also in compliance with the laws and regulations in force, we have adopted a specific Code of Conduct and since 2005 all our subsidiaries have been progressively involved in the implementation of the Group Code of Conduct.


Furthermore, Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. has implemented a specific Organisational, Management and Control Model (known as Model 231, the General Section of which is available on this page) in Italy.


In order to uphold the high legal and moral standards of the Group, Chiesi also adopted a Group Anti-bribery Policy in 2015. The purpose of this policy is to provide anyone acting on behalf of or in the interests of Chiesi with a set of general principles on how to recognise and deal with situations involving bribery and how to comply with the related regulations, in line with the provisions of Chiesi’s Code of Conduct.


As a pharmaceutical company, the Chiesi Group works closely with the scientific community, constantly exchanging knowledge and achieving significant progress in the scientific world for the benefit and protection of patient's health, once again in accordance with the codes and regulations governing our sector.


Based on the rules set out in the EFPIA Code of Practice on transparency of transfer of value between pharmaceutical companies, Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Organisations and Patient Associations, which are also reflected in the Farmindustria Code of Conduct, our company has committed itself to publishing data on these transfers of value annually at European level, starting in 2015 (first publication on June 30th 2016).


Below you will find data on the transfer of values concerning Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. and the Chiesi Group Affiliates.

Information on the publication criteria can be found in the Methodological Note.

YEAR 2023


For information about the transfer of value regulations please consult the following website: www.farmindustria.it (from the Home Page go to the Deontological Code section) or contact the Chiesi Transparency Contact Point at the following email address: dpoit@chiesi.com.


For requests made by the media, please contact Group.Communication@chiesi.com