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Innovation is the driving force behind every technologically advanced industry, but for the pharmaceutical industry it plays a vital role since it concerns the health and quality of life of patients. For Chiesi, Research and Development represents a true human and technological asset and, together with innovation, the driver of company growth.


Our Research & Development team represents a fundamental resource for the business. It comprises integrated functional areas focusing on pipeline projects including discovery and preclinical research, technical development, drug delivery technology, clinical development, regulatory affairs, pharmacovigilance, intellectual property, quality assurance, project management and leadership, and R&D portfolio management.  Moreover, R&D functions also support products already on the market through pharmacovigilance and regulatory activities, as well as active life cycle management programs.


The R&D team has its headquarters in the Research Center in Parma (Italy), and integrates with six other major research centers in Paris (France), Chippenham (UK), Cary (USA), Lidingo (Sweden), Shanghai (China) and Toronto (Canada).


Most of Chiesi's medicinal products are the result of internal research, but the pipeline also includes products that arise from collaborations and partnerships with other pharmaceutical companies.


The company has been investing an important part of its turnover in Research & Development for many years, and with constantly increasing percentage figures, so much so that in 2023 the Group was the first Italian pharmaceutical company for investments in R&D and second among production companies. Italians.[1]


Furthermore, Chiesi is among the pharmaceutical companies with the largest number of patents (over 6,200 those in portfolio at global level) in Europe and is the first in Italy. [2]


The number of Research & Development programs continues to increase and diversify, enriching the therapeutic offer, focusing on three main business areas: AIR (respiratory diseases), RARE (rare and ultra-rare diseases) and CARE (Neonatology, Special Care and Consumer Healthcare).


Chiesi is expanding its range of products with different types of drugs alongside traditional small molecules, such as biological products (proteins) and advanced therapies (cell therapies), always maintaining an approach with innovative solutions to these new therapeutic areas.


This choice allows us to continue to develop and enrich our pipeline with studies that promise important developments for the future of our company, at the same time offering an opportunity for those patients with diseases with unmet needs and who are still lacking therapeutic options for their pathologies.


[1]     European Commission, Joint Research Centre, EU Industrial R&D Scoreboard 2023

[2]     European Patent Office, 2023 Report.