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Code of Interdependence Workshop: a great opportunity for collaboration

Date: 25/09/2024

Collaboration, co-creation and the exchange of ideas were at the heart of the Code of Interdependence workshop. The event was an opportunity to strengthen the Chiesi Group's strategic collaboration and to promote innovative solutions from the perspective of Chiesi's partners.   


The Code of Interdependence is Chiesi's code of conduct for suppliers, partners and distributors. Believing in the concept of interdependence, Chiesi has developed the Code together with its partners in order to define shared guidelines that require each part of the value chain to adhere to a common set of principles to achieve a more sustainable and inclusive business model.  


Being a dynamic document, the Code of Interdependence is frequently reviewed to ensure that it meets evolving sustainability standards. It was originally published in 2020 and then updated in 2022, involving all global functions and strategic suppliers to encourage the company's suppliers to improve their sustainability efforts.  


The workshop brought together around 70 of the Chiesi Group's partners to review and discuss the key updates to the Code of Interdependence. The agenda covered the main updated clauses with a focus on human rights, sustainable management of natural resources, carbon impact and reduction targets, value chain considerations and other relevant topics.   


The workshop confirmed that partners play a crucial role in the evolution of Chiesi's value chain, and their support is essential in addressing the challenges, risks and opportunities on Chiesi's journey towards a more sustainable future.