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Autorizzo al trattamento dei miei dati personali
ai sensi del D.L. 30 giugno 2003 n. 196
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As a member of scienceindustries, Chiesi SA (Chiesi) is commited to publish the data in relation to the interactions with healthcare professionals (HCPs) and healthcare organisations (HCOs) according to the Pharma Cooperation Code (Code). In addition, it is Chiesi ‘s responsibility to publish a methodology note as required to summarize the methodologies used in preparing the disclosures and identifying Transfers of Value (TOVs). This document supports and explains how Chiesi records and publishes its information in accordance with the current edition of the Code, national transparency laws, and regulations.


It is our responsibility to make all the possible effort to disclose the TOVs and obtain the consents from the HCPs. When errors are identified in the report after the disclosure, Chiesi will be contacted. The report will be uploaded again once the correct information is verified.

