It’s very easy to be nervous before an interview, however experience will teach you that the more prepared you are, the less nervous you will be.
It is very important to prepare this question well.
Our advice: Choose an area of weakness and back it up with examples that prove that you are doing your best to improve.
Your strengths also need to be backed up.
For example, why do you think you are a flexible person? Give examples that prove your point.
Think of a concrete objective that you can present clearly and in detail. The interviewer must always be able to understand what you are talking about.
This is the question that can sometimes catch candidates off-guard just when they think that the interview has come to an end. Prepare questions that demonstrate your curiosity and your interest in the company and in the job!
A good question could be: what are the main projects the department is involved in?
This is a very frequent question, so be prepared!
The interviewer wishes to be sure that you have taken the trouble to find out about the company and that you have a good reason for applying for the job.
Before going for any kind of interview, you should find out the following information: the size of the company, its main areas of business, products, investments, its history, its objectives.
Try to talk about your background in a clear and linear manner, seeking to underline your most important experiences.
How should I prepare for a job interview? What are the questions normally asked and how do I make a good impression right from the first interview?
If you have been called for a job interview, it means that you have already done well. The company has chosen your CV, considers it interesting and has contacted you in order to know more about you.
Here is some useful advice.
Assessment Centre
The group interview allows recruiters to get a more complete picture of the candidates, by assessing the behavior of each individual in relation to other people.
The group is on average a team of 8/10 people who are all being assessed for the same job.
A group interview may last a few hours or an entire day and will involve candidates in dynamics that will bring the group to reach a decision on some given topics.
Attention will be concentrated on the candidates' tendency to reason in a logical manner.
Individual technical – interview
After the first step with the recruiter, the process continues with the involvement of the Line Manager who will assess whether the candidate profile matches that of the job to be filled.
In this case, skills are in the spotlight and the candidate will be required to give a practical demonstration of his/her skills by answering theoretical questions or perhaps through simulations of real working situations.
Individual motivational - interview
The aim is to make a good impression on the interviewer right from the very first telephone conversation. If the interviewer proposes a motivational interview, it is of fundamental importance to pay close attention to the instructions he/she will provide regarding the time and place of the interview.
The aim of the recruiters is to gather as much information as possible on the candidate, so it is important to give full, well-structured and well-reasoned answers.