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A musical manifesto to rewrite the future

Date: 23/05/2022

The third edition of “Respira con il Cuore”' reflects on the complexity of today for young people and the hopes of tomorrow


Music has the power to inspire change, shape the collective culture of an entire generations and enhance the sense of well-being. It is also known to have positive outcomes for the non-pharmacological treatment of some diseases due to its simultaneous effects on psychological, neurological, immunological and endocrine processes, reducing stress and pain[1].


Its potential has become even more evident in recent years marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, as songs continue to be the soundtrack of people's lives, they have helped to support mental and physical health during new daily challenges[2]. This was also the case for young people who, without friendships and sent away from school, were able to find motivation, inspiration and connection in their favourite verses. The boys and girls transformed music into a means to overcome isolation, loneliness and stress that characterised the long months of lockdown. By singing, listening and writing songs, they analysed their feelings, explored darkest fears, but also expressed their hopes for a better future which seemed to never come.


All this also emerged during the third edition of the "Respira con il Cuore" project, implemented by the Municipality of Parma with the unconditional contribution of Chiesi Group and Camst Group, created with the aim of promoting a tobacco-free culture in adolescents. During the school year, the students attended workshops led by experts in the field, such as Fabio Carima, aka DANK, who edited the texts, and the "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern" School of Cinema in Bologna, which was responsible for making the video clips.


Among the songs born from this collaboration, two were awarded at the end of the music contest: Gli stessi occhi of class 2C of the Liceo Bodoni, judged the best by the public, and Punti di vista of class 1C of the Istituto Giordani, winner of the critics' prize given by the special jury.


Integration, equal opportunities, climate crisis, ongoing conflicts, bullying and loneliness are just some of the topics covered in time to rap music. Even one of the first verses of the song that won the gold record – “From when we used to be able to joke around until the morning, spend the night and go to the disco at three o'clock, until now we are already tired at the aperitif” - well sums up the consequences of years of confinement.


Therefore, it is clear that, once again this year, the “Respira con il Cuore” project succeeded in its intention to become a spokesperson for important messages, offering a stage for future citizens of the world to be publicly heard. On the other hand, as Maria Paola Chiesi, Shared Value & Sustainability Head of the Chiesi Group, recalled, "music is passion, rhythm, but above all it’s a way to express freedom, ideas and frustrations after two years marked by the pandemic".


All songs are available for listening!

Click here to listen to the Spotify playlist and here to watch all the video clips uploaded from the project's YouTube channel.


For more information visit https://www.respiraconilcuore.it/.



[1] UK Music, Music for Dementia, “Power of Music”, https://musicfordementia.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Power-of-Music-Report.pdf, 2022, p.9. (Last accessed: 23 maggio 2022) Ivi, pp. 6-7. (Ultima consultazione: 23 maggio 2022)

[2] Ivi, pp. 6-7. (Last accessed: 23 maggio 2022)