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LEED certification: Chiesi's commitment for the sustainability of its buildings

Date: 31/05/2023

Buildings are responsible for a considerable amount of global energy use, resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and significantly impact the health of our planet and its inhabitants.


At Chiesi, we strive to improve the sustainability performances of all our sites.

With our #BetterBuilding program we aim to take care of the entire life cycle of our buildings, so that they can have a positive impact on society and the environment.  In concrete terms, this translates into conceiving buildings in an eco friendly way from the design and construction phase and, subsequently, establishing and maintaining a management that is attentive to people's well-being.


As part of the #BetterBuilding program, many of our sites received the LEED® certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is a globally recognized symbol of excellence in green building, as it promotes electricity cost savings, lower carbon emissions and healthier environments.


In Italy, our Headquarters Offices in Parma are LEED-certified to the Platinum Level, reaching the highest level in the international building sustainability rating system.

Our Research Center is LEED-certified to the Gold Level, as is? will be? Our new Pilotis building in the Parma production site. Our logistic site in Fontevivo (PR) has also achieved the Gold Level of the LEED certification process.


There are many Chiesi LEED-certified buildings around the globe: from the Chiesi China offices in Shanghai, our production site in Blois, France, and the newest Chiesi Pakistan’s offices in Lahore.


And this is just the beginning: we will keep striving for eco-friendly buildings with the aim of improving the quality of life of all people and the health of the environment, hoping to inspire others.