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“Helping the World to Breathe” - Chiesi Group among the protagonist of the ATS docuseries

Date: 22/11/2021

Chiesi’s commitment to creating a shared value for patients, society, and the environment is at the center of “Helping the World to Breathe” an inspiring docuseries promoted by the American Thoracic Society (ATS), global leader in in respiratory health. The aim of the series is to draw awareness to innovative, multidisciplinary partnerships and advanced technology to develop treatments for patients with lung disease.


The 16-episode series, produced by dBase Media (DBM), features some of the leading respiratory health specialists discussing how bringing together subspecialties with diverse perspectives and tailored rigorous clinical training help to shape a culture of collaboration, which in turn may improve access to care and reduce long standing health inequalities. 


Among the diverse contribution from industry authorities and leading academia, Chiesi Group has been invited to talk about its sustainability journey, becoming the largest international pharmaceutical group B Corp certified, and the plan to became carbon neutral by the end of 2035.


Watch the episode dedicated to Chiesi, “Creating Shared Value for Patients, Society, and Environment” by clicking on the link below.




About the American Thoracic Society

Founded in 1905, the American Thoracic Society is the world’s leading medical society dedicated to accelerating the advancement of global respiratory health through multidisciplinary collaboration, education, and advocacy. Core activities of the Society’s more than 16,000 members are focused on leading scientific discoveries, advancing professional development, impacting global health, and transforming patient care. Key areas of member focus include developing clinical practice guidelines, hosting the annual International Conference, publishing four peer-reviewed journals, advocating for improved respiratory health globally, and developing an array of patient education and career development resources. To learn more: www.thoracic.org