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Chiesi’s investment in women equal pay achieves the Fair Pay certification

Date: 08/03/2024

On this International Women's Day Chiesi joins the commitment of the UN for 2024, "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress," and proudly announces a significant milestone in its dedication to gender equality.


The international biopharmaceutical Group has received top-level certification from the Fair Pay Innovation Lab, a renowned organization for fair pay, for successfully reducing the Gender Pay Gap to below 1%. This accomplishment highlights Chiesi's dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace where every employee is respected and fairly compensated for their contributions.


Our journey towards equality has been guided by a holistic approach. We've implemented two merit-based pay cycles, ensuring that recognition is solely based on performance and skills, regardless of gender. Additionally, we've carefully reviewed our HR processes to root out any biases that could lead to unequal pay.


In addition to these actions, Chiesi places a strong emphasis on advancing women into senior positions within the organization. By actively identifying and supporting talented women, the Group not only diversifies its leadership team but also establishes role models and mentors for future generations of female professionals. This diversity of perspectives fosters innovation and propels progress across industries, contributing to the competitiveness of businesses and economies in an increasingly interconnected world.


The attainment of Universal Fair Pay Leader status signifies Chiesi's transparent commitment to fair pay practices, inclusive hiring and promotion procedures, reconciliation measures, and organizational culture.


As we mark this milestone on International Women's Day, let it be a reminder of our ongoing journey towards a future where equality isn't just a goal but a reality for all.

