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Chiesi’s 2022 Sustainability Report: “Purpose First”

Date: 27/07/2023

With the publication of Chiesi's Sustainability Report, Maria Paola Chiesi, Chiesi's Vice Chair and Head of Shared Value & Sustainability, sheds light on the company's sustainability initiatives of the last year and their impact.


Looking back to 2022, what highlights confirm for you that Chiesi Group is on track for a sustainable future?

Last year, Chiesi successfully completed its first recertification as a B Corp with a significantly improved score over 2019: it is an assessment that rewards our global and local sustainability achievements while still providing areas to focus on in the coming years.


Could you elaborate on Chiesi Group’s shift from carbon neutrality to Net Zero Emissions and its meaning?

Transitioning to the Net Zero Emissions standard showcases our dedication to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating our environmental impact across all operations. We are prioritizing a hierarchal approach with a long-term goal of reducing emissions close to 90 percent and using carbon removal and storage methods only for the final 10 percent.


Chiesi has actively engaged in community outreach programs and emphasized collaboration with associations and partners. Could you elaborate on the company's efforts to build stronger communities?

Throughout 2022, we actively engaged in community outreach programs, acting as a facilitator for associations with similar purposes. By leveraging collaborative approaches, we drive impact in areas such as environmental protection, education, cultural development, social innovation and inclusion, and emergency relief. Our commitment to a sustainable and inclusive value chain also extends to our business partners, ensuring compliance with human rights, environmental protection, and ethical working methods. We firmly believe that we must address the climate crisis and its related social impacts as a community because we are all in this together.


Chiesi Group's commitment to patient care is evident in the report. Can you share some examples of how the company has supported patients in conflict territories?

In 2022, Chiesi Group provided uninterrupted access to life-saving products in conflict territories such as Ukraine. We understand the critical nature of healthcare in such challenging situations and prioritize the needs of patients above all. Additionally, we have extended our reach by granting monetary support to humanitarian NGOs and donating Chiesi treatments to newborns and transplant patients whenever possible. We are committed to making a positive impact on patient well-being, even in the most challenging circumstances.


The report highlights Chiesi's achievements in gender equality and eliminating the gender pay gap. Could you share more about these accomplishments and the company's ongoing efforts in this area?

Eliminating the gender pay gap is a significant milestone for the Chiesi Group. In 2022, we reached the target of #SameConditionsForSamePositions globally. As the first pharmaceutical company in Italy to receive the gender equality certification we are proud of our progress. While there is still work to be done, we are committed to promoting gender balance in leadership positions and creating an inclusive work environment. We believe that diversity and inclusion are vital for driving innovation and achieving long-term sustainable success.